About Ninjutsu
Ninjutsu is the art used by ninja to survive in times of war in Japan. The character “nin” (忍) represents being hidden or to endure. Since this was a secret, hidden art, the exact date of origin is unknown. Some estimates place it around 900 AD, but other accounts point to even more remote origins, suggesting that the art came to Japan from India and China.
The most famous ninja clans operated in the Iga and Koga regions but, far from the modern image of ruthless assassins, ninjas generally lived normal lives as farmers or merchants. In times of war, however, ninjas were recruited by various feudal lords to carry out infiltration and espionage missions.
Our training is based on nine traditional schools, or “currents” that the Japanese word “ryuu” actually means.
- Togakure ryû Ninpô (戸隠流忍法)
- Gyokko ryû Kosshijutsu (玉虎流骨指術)
- Koto ryû Koppô jutsu (虎倒流骨法術)
- Kukishinden ryû Happô Biken jutsu (九鬼神伝流八法秘剣術)
- Shinden Fudô ryû Dakentaijutsu (神伝不動流打拳体術)
- Takagi Yoshin ryû jûtaijutsu (高木揚心流柔体術
- Gikan ryû Koppô jutsu (義鑑流骨法術)
- Gyokushin ryû Ninpô (玉心流忍法)
- Kumogakure ryû Ninpô (雲隠流忍法)
Principally, we train Togakure ryû which includes a variety of skills (jutsu) that the ninja trained intensively on a physical as well as spiritual level: Seishin teki kyoyo (spiritual refinement), Tai jutsu (the art of using the body), hichoo jutsu (jumping/acrobatics), various weapons such as ken jutsu (Japanese saber), naginata jutsu (Japanese halberd), soo jutsu (spear), bo jutsu (long staff) shuriken jutsu (throwing blades); as well as special abilities such as shinobi iri (moving silently), bo ryaku (strategy) and inton jutsu (escape and camouflage).
Masaaki Hatsumi
Today, ninjutsu is part of the Bujinkan (武神館), and the school is led by grandmaster Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi (初見 良昭), based in the city of Noda in Japan. Dr. Hatsumi is one of the most recognized teachers in the world and has been granted the title of “Living National Treasure” by the Imperial Family of Japan.
In addition, he has trained members of several of the world’s security forces such as the NSA, CIA, FBI, MOSSAD, SAS, and others.
About the training
The martial art of ninjutsu uses a variety of physical, mental, and spiritual knowledge and skills that form the basis of the ninja’s understanding and approach to life, as well as defense and the prevention of danger.
In the dôjô, we study the use of ninpô taijutsu (the art of using the body), kosshi jutsu (attack on vital points and nerve points), koppô jutsu (attack and manipulation of the bone structure), dakentai jutsu (various forms of strikes), jutaijutsu (throws, chokes, and holds); as well as traditional ninja and samurai weapons.
The physical training includes various exercises for increased flexibility, dexterity, resistance, and strength, combined with lessons on how to take care of the body through healthy daily habits, such as nutritious food and stretching. The study of a physical nature such as this brings about the development of a balanced mind, as well as deepens the understanding of nature and the concepts passed down from generation to generation through the centuries within the school.
The goal of the art is the integrated development of the human being, which is achieved through a lifetime of diligent training, observation, reflection, and personal growth.
How do I start training?
Anyone is welcome to join us! You don’t need any previous experience in either martial arts or sports to start training. The only thing you need to bring with you is comfortable workout clothes.
We train in Gamlestaden in Gothenburg on Tuesdays and Sundays. In the summer we also train outdoors.
Interested? Contact us and let us know that you want to come and try out. The first two trainings are free of charge
Contact Us!
- kontakt@bujinkandojoninpo.se
- Byfogdegatan 3B, 415 05, Göteborg